Omaha World-Herald from Omaha, Nebraska (2024)

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Omaha World-Heraldi

Omaha, Nebraska

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20 Morning World Herald Oct 21 1947 Mil Wanted 44 Woaan Wanted 41 SALESGIRL KENWOOD JEWELERS Jfo zwressazy Steady emnloy is st Good salary 4325 30tli St KK 244 STENOGRAPHER WANTED fcr reslcsal cf3e cf force antcmobile Eiarafirrarer Pleasant crklnr condl tkcs liberal salary Phone HA 1013 tar appointment TYPISTS eraet pesttlena in noHcy writlrr eeaxd tmxmctfon and varMca other clerical tyrvar operations All position citer advancement and salary increases Bed" ire typtrta considered altboach ex penexxe ts rvcatnd for more responsi ble poutfoD PossliMlltles later for ad vancuaen to stenocranUc and edl phAna secretarial positton Add Ucoal baUdlar no under construc tion Ideal arcrains conditions sound 9ES1CKML1 pctfjd Interview ecndacted dartre rerular office Pocrs 5 to 4 45 SIcnday throCEh riday MUTUAL BENEIT TTEAt TH ACCTDNT AS vt VS1ISI1 BENEIT LIE INS CO 3316 arnam St TYPIST Brxms to Mondays (brooch Prsdayat to 1 a Saturday 2 weeks paid vacation atr conditioned office: per manent emptovment Salary 335 per week Apoiy tn penoo at office cf kjmrall laundry co 1V4 Jone TYPIST TELEPHONE OPERATOR Permanent poattlon Omaha Association rf Credt 200 Sun de land Bide TP1ST Ir bil rx clerk Must be ac curate Good future Vitamin Indus 1330 arnam St TYPIST WANTED se ed preferred to train as dirt pbcce operator 40 becr week rood salary Mr Geers WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP TIT 13 St AT WAITRESSES ATTENTION STEAK HOUSE yon are a dependable perscn and ne i a coed steady srtd want a mee place to work call JA 996 Waitress (Experienced) ArtCy tn persm COHAT STEAK HOCSE Employment Agencras 43 WOMEN: TypUt payroIE SfSi BI? typist 3128: Inventory clerk rood writer 3155: stenographer one girl of fice 3150 stenographer comptometer 5 days 3140: beginner comptometer $115: bookkeeper $145: steongra phers $135 to $180 typists $120 up Others MEN Assistant sales manager know dlstUery products local to $500 typist Inventory $160 cashier type under 24 $155: stock clerks $160: factory super intendent understand upholstery mak ing $350 drug sales detail work $300 draw MTTCAL fT1 World Herald WE 6070 WOMEN A ED Secretary 3175: Stenocrapber five day week $160: Be ginner stenographer $135: Stenogra pher office clerk $150: Typist clerk good at figures 3133: Office cashier no typing 3135: Bookkeeper typist able to supervise $150 Comptometer operator $150 or better: Burroughs posting machine operator 3150 or better ile elerk $110 WESTERN REERENCE Ql Tower JA 1456 SALESMEN Car furnished pharmaceuti cal background $250 plus: credits office manager $225: shipping clerk $175 lubrication man $175 cashier motor parts $150 pay roll clerk $150 stenographer Journalistic training $150 many stenographic posi tions Jt30 to $175 WATTS 722 IRST NATL BANK BLDG WOMEN: Stenographers $150 3185 typ ists $155 up: cashier $175: demonstra tor salary expenses need car Man and wife man shipping wife office apartment and salary: men sales $200 $350 expenses coat accountant know foods $350 up MARTI PRACTICAL nurses $5 56 day or night NETTIE 3f SPENCE 325 Securities Bldg Men Wanted 44 Auto Body AND ENDER MAN Mot be experienced Best equipped cleanest and best lighted shoo in Omaha or interview call writ? cr see Cart ellows JOHN OPTTZ CHEVROLET CO 2Cth and Dxtze Sts HA 5432 APPRENTICE RUG AND LINOLEUM LAYING I preferred Will train MURNAN RUG UNOLEUM CO WE 43 AUTO MECHANIC also a Helper Steady 1511 20th AUTO SPRAY PAINTER Kspei fenced in enamels highest Wayne Auto and Truck Painting Service 1 1th and Nicholas Sts Authorized ord Rebuilder Department and Specialty STORE EXECUTIVES Leadins New York executive placement firm retained by many outstanding retail organizations throughout the United States seek top flight execu tives and able assistants who are ready to step Into top jobs as: MERCHANDISE MANAGERS BUYERS SALES PROMOTION AND ADVER TISING MANAGERS OPERATING EXECUTIVES Please send resume of experience aye education Job preferences and other essential data Negotiations strictly confidential Private interviews can be arranged locally Our fee paid by management Box 0 541 World Her ald URNITURE REPAIRMAN PERMANENT POSITION NEW SHOP Apply to Mr arnam 415 16th St REEZER MEN Good pay time and one half over 40 hours Previous experience not re quired Permanent Apply Employment Office AIRMONT OODS CO Southeast Comer 12th and Jone Sts RY COOK Experienced 3 to 1 a Apply to chef Herb's Tavern de Cafe 30th and Ames Ave RY COOK wanted Apply Caccias Grill 1622 10th St REIGHT handlers Apply in person Railway Express Agency Union Sta tion GROCERY CLERK Experienced NEWMAN'S GROCERY 4908 Dodge St GRAVEL trucks wanted at Lyons Neb BLAIR CONSTRUCTION CO GENERAL LABORERS We have openings for men who are In terested In stWay work in our freezer and poultry departments on day or 'night shifts Apple in person at our employment office A SWANSON SONS 1114 Douglas St HELPERS WANTED or tile setters on construction work SUNDERLAND BROS CO 609 46th SL Hog Butchers AND LABORERS Apply Employment Office ARMOUR CO 28th and Sts? INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER College trained or experienced In meth ods and standards work Must be able to analyze production operations and develop Improvements Salary com mensurate with ability Our employes know of this ad Box 4298 World Herald 912 Center St EXPERIENCED COTfENTO fCl 7TH ST Waitress Experienced davs Closed Tnesdavs TRENTTNO CAE 1112 15th St WAITRESS Ver Amber Rom Apply Miss Behrtnn HOTEL ONTENELLE VaITESS $25 wees no Sunday or BeiMays uniform and meals JA K2B S2 13th St OM Timer Bar and Grin WAITRESS WANTED irtviT Cafe 1I St Ptni Besler' Cocktali Locnre 3926 arnam St Waitress aU3 bicx eot s26th HAVE OPENING OR GIRL UNDER 25 CagaK3e cf $ctnz typing answer phore and general office work Good pay downtown office Write particular a to age experience Bo 7312 World HeraM Personable Young Lady fcr tev in new effk Mett bare seacrrphie training and Nme kwiedee bookkeentnr Good Marling salary Peasant woriarr ern CsH Mr N'wrtren! AT r33 WOMEN WHITE OR COLORED If want applyOCTH SIDE CLEANERS LAUNDRY Itth end ARE YOU MISSING AN OPPORTUNITY BECAUSE YOU DO NOT HAVE TRAINING? See the Academy Ac cocntancy ad under the instruction tn th a tELIABLE experienced ttenograpber for renezal cfDce permanezit pcsltlon Ap IL VENDING SALES Want experienced ord mechanic ex perienced automotive machinist motor aiaembiers assemblers and shop help ers UNIVERSAL MG CO i 1040 21st St AUTO BODY KIAN Thoroughly experienced 5 day week vacation with pay insurance benefit Excellent opportunity for right man DEUEY CHEVROLET 3S15 24th St AUTO MECHANICS Top wage ideal working condition permanent petition veatimi with pay Buick dealer APPLY MR HUBKA LIED BUICK Harney at Ave SERVICE STATION Experienced Paxton Auto Service 14th and Harner St SERVICE STATION Experienced Paxtcn Auo Service 14th andL Harnev St APPLICATORS OR INSULATED BRICK AND ASBESTOS SIDING Must be experienced Good tteady work Only thoae who want work winter and rammer and are ambition need apply Call in person morning between a and 12 920 ARNAM ST ASSEMBLY MEN truck bodies Sc Mr Itnlm et CHron A Son 920 24th AUTOMOTIVE MEN 3 utn mechanic The best 1 truck mechanic Experienced 2 body and fender men Must be tops We pay high wages and offer permanent work in a modern well equipped shop We want steady men who want good steady Jobs Apply to Mr Meyer OTBrtrn A Co 28th Harney St APPLICATORS 22tB Ikoceta St tlRL er woman to asUat in cUx and storage verk Cxi salary 5u day week A THOMSEN URRIER IB: lth fl aad Csauacil Bluff housesive ears cncey at hecar telephone aotm Write Box WorU Her trfr rmatlcn 3 WAITRESSES and 3 dish vaster sad cock helper wanted Nice hours tneaj HOWAPD DRUG li and Howard Lady with car give Stanley demonstration $50 vev and 20 bcurx' werk Write 1529 Oty Nat Bank Kff Omah Neb AT 2ts ttANTED: Dental asltanL Experience not necessary Mast have some knowl edge cf bockkeepihg Box Wcrld GIRLS for rayon slip STANDARD TENT A AWNING CO 0525 Military Aw GIRL re manage cleaning shro drwn trwn Cean week No living Quarters Apply 1W I6th St LADIES wanted for cate work $25 per week Mil ar nnlf'irm Tasty iw S' XxferiencES waitress apply ATER 11 a JleWcrth Grill Steak TounG lady for craeral etllcv work? rxMrieiM Mcru iry Wetoer Auto XxERIENCED widie to cook and arrvir diszwr 3 night wegk Reference Bos HerH tlRl typing end PBJG Also girl for has cfDee Omaha Coliseum Corp GL EXPERIENCED addrar gr ph 1 grt ogype epmtw 105 City HB cnarwcn waited irst NaLoal Bank lth irtd WH1TB LADY RY COOK CALL ja gyi Durastic Help 4IA WUULE AGED WQ54AN OP GIRL for gne: heoewerk cn farm in North east Nebraska Excellent wages all rnodera terne automatic heat and tM water no outside work adult Give reference and cuaJlflcaUons Kr 3 Wrrfd Herald ET HOUSEKEEPER white dean and detendafoe care 2 children working parents ceseraJ housework private rnczn Cail after KE $638 0C2 Ty txPERIENCKD white maid for the eook tns is the famUy of 2 adults Other few W9fP one Mn Mamret Hvnes WA ex KING couple dre rd rf small apartment weekly SpiendM epoorttmity for re tdy Bmr 3437 Worid HeflM Urgently gnmu rtnce in ii ax km cuemzig iw zamuy oi two adutt and 3 children Om room ctrw to prrwm WA THT HTTE woman 3 day week for waah uur and Lrocing Reierenceos Also wKTjr crcaiBr jt aay ver 230 VTriyjd HTiiM RELIABLE Mwetraoer good cook Board and room for emnloyed or student hu Uatf also La exchange for iirbt dutlc HA 4Bfv ft ANTED Homeaeeper tor family "cfree 3 330 a week rxm and board Mr PLchcr Uli Seventh St Nb phTe II CAPABLE white wanes tar tetne work Good with ctndron Private room taUL radio GoM rv Refertr cva73 hM ted? Lap ABLE nri ter ream I homework and asust dtfUron 3110 we month alt rtvat rmsa GL KD3 IP Aw GIRL for iiift hoosewors and assist eve artertl efeBdeen Hsw ether ktp Mw rttght private room nd tettl GL 73 OULD elSery tn take fotl rhanre hne or working mrnbr ad maH daocMrr Box 4293 World CiErE LS Jj Poem bra salary General Muewt care of infant Small beat no rooking 5 day week Reibe lady to take charxe et 7 mcntn efo baby and 4 room aport gv Board rocmi and itx AT 2S40 GENERAL mU heme 2 in fcte room bath and radio near streetcar EsevSent wage CL 2790 fc UTE Ct il to 3C cenrral bou' vnL Own rra and bath No Mtnsdry 3048 Cat GL 2117 tfc as jt incuse ax1 chi Nn enoktrg twated Eke family X8C 35th St JA 3258 Good No wss iLg No evreg ctrU rsmSv Own roem ath WA 2192 EL LERLY ury to care tr ctu4 vra a beard ma3 wxge GL 1439 after Experienced cnly Insulated brick er a bestos Plenty of material plenty cf work NEBRASKA HOUSING CO 14U 16th SI JA 3338 AUTO MECHANIC Straight salary steady work Apply In penon Sehnelder A Neljen 2112 Harney st AUTOMOBILE mechanic wanted Perma nent Job Good salary Smith Motor Pontier 2011 Leavenworth WE 2400 EXPERIENCED Good working cundltlcn excellent chanee tor advancement Generous profit sharing and group Insurance plan Steady employment with old established company Apply EDERAL BAKE SHOP Ill 16th St BARBER at oner young 70S good Job In Central Nebraska town 3000 popula tion Hint chain If married no place to live single man preferred: will help to nnd house if married at Sisscn Gothenburg Neb Beef Luggers or part tim beef lugrlnc and balance of um beef cooler work Apply Employment Office SWIT A CO 17th and BILLLVG and manifest clerk motor car rier experience preferred but Dot neces ary Rapid typist Regular periodic iprrra Arniy Mr Marhou UNION TRANSER CO 720 Leavenworth St BAKERS' HELPERS Urn IS to 45 for steady employment Coed Harting rate Periodical raises Time and ever 40 hour Apply In perron Sunshine Biscuits Inc 1303 DAVENPORT ST BRAKE MAN Combination brake front end and wheel balancing Must be experienced in re fadng brakes drum Vacation with pay salary open Permanent position to right party See Mr Harrlg LIED BUICK Baraev st 27th Ave BEE BUTCHERS ALSO LABORERS Arpiy Employment Office armour a co 2Rth and St BARBERS wanted at once Good for $65 and up per week 70t: must be sober No correwmdence Phone 692M Ajax Barber Shop Scottsbluff Neb BODY AND ENCER MAN Can earn $83 1100 a WEEK Weekly guarantee rteadv emnlcyment See Mr Hubka BUS BOY White over 16 for evening and week end HILLTOP HOUSE 49th and Dodge ta BODY and fender man Permanent lob good salary XfrrmRC 110? lh St 6S91 BAKER irst da man for bread and sweet rolls attractive wage for capable person A 0101 11ARBER wanted good steady good deal? 2214 Kth St BODY SHOP MEN ELECTRIC WELDERS 2 MECHANICS2 BODY BLTLDERS To work in one cf Omaha's best body and trailer hcp Must be top men In ynur trade steady rnod pa Bet wyrktnr condition See Ernest DeHsrL WATSON BROS TRANSPORTATION CO INC M2 14TH BODY ENDER JIAN Experienced excellent salary pin bonusrw1 employe Insurance beenflt Vca tlon with pay See Otto SAMPLE HART MOTOR 11 amt Burt Kt BALL AND BURLAP MAN Phene evening WA 8595 CLEAN UP MAN Steady reliable man ft daytime clean up dalles betwem 45 55 years Must pass physical examination Apply Employment Office AIRMONT OODS CO Sruhpast Corner ISth and Jones DAYS Rowtnorit Cafe 2401 Harney St COOK Lard Ofe Broadway Cn Bluffs CARPENTERS WANTED Must be A I KE 7633 CABINET MAKER Experienced BULLER CO 4w 3rth St KT 278 IRST CLASS APPLY TO CHE HILL HOTEL CAR WASHER OUS EK XPER nwther hizne Small ehS! 2212 St AT IW7 SsOUSKKEEER white rooking for E'eh 6C19 Pine St WA $055 HOUSEWORK Slav night Top wages HA 11 Bex Wogld Herald tk AGES tj nziu ten wage WA 1178 TV Tc Wrrl He ald Experienced evucue to wr tn nrivate heme renre WA 5TM girL general housework GL 4817 WHITE generai 2 dy week WA 35 after 1 a Saleiladits Wanted 42 bo YOU HAVE a HOURS A DAY TO SPARE Ecteuent Avon In your HErE ar rteod aal mike these borer prMtbte Eve day 1 pay dv ap paetment for farther detail AT 1849' Saleslady 25 35 vearA to erttaSibed tea and cogfee route Must te good driver Salary and cueaaslaDai Car furalstea Call Mr Erra ro MA AMALLNG Sell name imprinted Cleutaui cards 50 for SL Complete Ute Chnstmaa rverydav ortment stauocery Asoreval sampte Emnlre AMBITIOUS women and girl for txad sake work good earning Hour 9 AJ to 3 39 Apply after 10 a a ri Karbach Eidg Experienced man for evening work Ap ply REDICK TOWER GARAGE 15th and Harney st CUSTODIAN Creighton gym hour 1 to 10 8 hoer day See rank Hagan Crelgh ton gym 25th California CAR WASHER And attendant white or colored NZgL ji in a CAPITOL GARAGE 19th and Capitol Ave Construction Laborers 25 Ha $1124 per hour Time and 4 over time Apply IJkBOR TEMPLE 1 19th and TTwvenpnrt St DELIVERY MAN or light delivery work experienced and must know city CAPITOL GARAGE 19th Capitol Ave DRY CLEANER to learn trade Excellent opportu nity for I trainee Apply DRESHER BROS 2317 arnam St ENGINEER HOTEL Want rober dependable man for our beating plant: older man considered It tn good health 3 to 11 shift third grade license reautred See manager after 11 HOTEL LOYAL INVESTIGATOR DETECTIVE Excellent position bondable car neces sary to be executive secretary Apply by letter only Include photo Bonded Detective Inc Omaha This a top Job and If you are not In the habit of making at least $75 week apply ICE CREAM WORKER Young man for Ice cream department High school graduate preferred Per manent time and a half over 40 hour Apply Employment Office AIRMONT OODS CO Southeast Comer 12th and Jone St JANITOR WHITE Dey or nixht Steady responsible man 25 to 55 Permanent Inside job for right man Receive ail employe benefit Apply employment office Doudas Street entrance RRANDEIS STORE JANITOR wanted fnr Children Memorial Hospital Apply 714 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg LABORERS Starting wage $102 per hour Time and one half over 8 hours Apply 7 a ARMOUR CO 28th and Sts LUBRICATION MAN to take charge department Must be experienced See Mr Jobe Miller Knuth Chevrolet 18th and How ard Sts LABORERS Men wanted for various plant depart ments Basic hourly rate $102 per hour Apply Employment Office THE CUDAHY PACKING CO 3d and ts LABORERS To unload cars of lumber and building materials Good starting rate with time and Mr over 40 hour CHICAGO LUMBER CO 14th and Pierre St LABORERS for concrete block and pipe plant Steady wort 60 hour week Time and one half over 40 hour Con crete Product Material Co 4520 Drdge St LAUNDRY HELPER Husky man or boy for helper' duties In our laundry plant 5 day week good wage PURITAN LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS 2a 10 ARNAM ST LABORERS Starting wage 1102 per hour Time and one halt over 8 hours 7c additional for night work between 6 and 6 a Apple 7 a SWIT Ar CO 27th and Sts Lubrication Helper Wanted Will consider young man without experi ence Salary ulus bonus employe In surance benefit paid vacation See Mr Chandler SAMPLE HART MOTOR irnr and burt unskilled men Good working condition Starting rate $104' and up per hour Apply tn perron AMERICAN SMELTING A REIN CO Sth and Douglas St Laborers Steady Work Night $56: day $5250 per week ot $0 hour IDEAL CEMENT STONE CO 31t and Spaulding St MEATCUTTER Top salary for good meat cutter who Is interested In a future with a growing company Joe Lines Villisca la MEAT CUTTER wanted Experienced Apply to Snappy ood Mart Billings Mont MOTOR ASSEMBLY MEN We are expanding our rebuilt motor as sembly line and have openings for ex perienced men: steady work good pay modern shop latest equipment CRANKSHAT ETIER BORING BAR OPERATOR LINE BORING OPERATOR BEARING MACHINE OPERATOR VALVE ASSEMBLY MAN INAL ASSEMBLY MEN NATIONAL AUTO PARTS CO 1102 Harney St JA 4931 Omaha Neb MOTOR ANALXZER MAN Must be experienced use of latest unit run analizer Permanent em ploymenL Salary open Vacation with with pay See Mr Harrlg LIED BUICK Harney at 27th Ave MAINTENANCE electrician irst class Apply in person AMERICAN SMELTING REIN CO 5th and Douglas Sts NIGHT BELLMAN 111 to 7 a m) Apply In perron to Mr after 1 BLACKSTONE HOTEL NIGHT CLERK hour 11 to 7 goodalary Must be experienced Call or wire collect Mary Walsh Paddock Hotel Beatrice Neb NIGHT COOK Man or woman 6 night good pay NOOLITON 2920 ARNAM ST OICE WORKER Man or woman or cah and carry laun dry office Thl work conaut ofnwertng phone waiting on custom er This I a steady job with a future EVANS LAUNDRY 4k DRY CLEANERS 11th and Douglas St OPERATOR wanted tor Model 14 Per manent for right man Small modern apartment available Needed now $60 wee up 2 machine semi weeklyhP CAud equipment fine place to wot see j'r write utse journal Plattsmouth Neb OPTICAL surface grinders Good oppor tunlty for advancement Commercial Optical Co 15th and Harney PRESSMAN wanted immediatelv experi enced Kelly Dresses Permanent rood wares modem house available Quiz Printing Co Ord Neb Capable ad compositor 5 nights 3:30 to 12 Monday through riday Scale $75 Union shop Cheyenne Newspapers Inc Cheyenne Wyo PRODUCTION MAN We want a man preferably married and a high school graduate 24 to 32 to tratn for supervision of Ice cream novelty manufacturing department Pre vious dairy industry experience not essential but must be able to handle people Apply Employment Office AIRMONT OODS CO Southeast Comer 12th and Jone St PLUMBER and furnace man or either wanted at once JAG Plumbing and Heating North Bend Neb PLANT INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER College trained or experienced In methods and standards work Must be able to analyze production operations and de velop Improvements Salary eomen surate with ability Our employes know ot this ad Box 4298 World Herald PAINTERS Two first clars KE 7465 PIANO TUNER and repair man for shop work Steady employment Liberal salary Apply My SchmoUcr A Mueller Plano Co 1518 Dodge St Omaha Neb PAINTERS WANTED Call WA 9331 between 8 and 8 DAYS Apply to Mrs Wallace HILL HOTEL PRESSMAN Gordon pressman Mleble vertical or Kelly pressman Apply In person Klopp Printing Co 10th and Doug la St PINSETTES Dmible or single Day and night ahlft oor league a day MUSIC BOX 19th and Dodge St PORTER WANTED BEATON DRUG 15th and Harney Men Wanted 44 1 Salesmen Agents Wanted Men Wanted 44 Bueineea Opportunitiee 52 inished Rooms 62 1 Wonted to Rent 2 to Okl Hotels Men or Women Wanted 49 Jones Service At Housekeeping Rooms 64 Or able urnished Apartment: 67 Ye Unturnished Apartments 68 Offices Warehouses Bldgs 71 St Moving Packing Storage 69 Positions Wanted Women 50 Rooming Houses for Sale 54 arms for Sale 81 Money to Loan 55 802 14th St $300 Boy Worker to Houses Duplexes for Rent 71 51 if 77 52 Business Opportunities 1 221 CO 4311 60 Board and Room Salesmen Agents Wanted 46 Mr nne poUl 61 Board Room for Children 62 urnished Rooms and Wanted to Buy Rent 8 1 A 82 Acreage for Sale ots for Sale 3 look our your for suit The to 2419 Nice room 1 or girls Close in near car AT 9159 riul yrar train ETERAN wants to rent on share 80 to 160 acres KE 4205 3 HOUSE or apartment Prefer unfurnished Lieut Collier MA 6300 Ext 2212 CATHOLIC family of 4 desperately need unfurnished house or duplex by Oct 31 A references WA 2750 CREIGHTON veteran working wife want 3 room furnished or unfurnished apart rnrnt Call WE 5207 VET or student with car short hour de livery evenlngg JA 7372 BEING evicted Nov 1 amllv of 5 need home HA 5883 BUSINESS lady desires small apartment private bath HA 5146 CALL a Stevens Van Prompt courteous Insured household mover and packers $250 per hour JA 1785 SLEEPING room for man GL 3740 MILK route and 3 trucks After 65 call 56 Prague Neb business AT 9049 ADDRESS envelopes etc $325 per thou sand MA 9195 COMPETENT ladies for general assist ance during illness and confinement Convalescent Nursing Service AT 6092 DAY work 65c hour and carfare HA 0631 EXPERIENCED piano player 5 nights a week Good wages WE 4350 Please call at once if interested DISHWASHER and also kitchen helper from 11 a to 8 AT 8018 SCHOOLGIRL or business girl to work fnr board and room and small wage SINCLAIR service station and cafe for sale on Highway 77 Excellent business Reason for selling dissolve partnership Box 0 520 World Herald 2 ROOMS 2 girls each room 2 blocks to car 2564 Ellison ROOM AND BOARD AT 4287 inancial Service ourth loor Securities Bldg AT 0606 HL Meier Manager BOARD and room for 2 ladles or 2 gen tlemen: large room with lavatory $12 week 510 38th Ave 2 YOUNG men to become carpenters GL 3651 YOUNG man preferrably veteran fiee to travel wanted to take over Nebraska territory for local manufacturer Can assist right man get new car Income can be developed to $7000 yearly Box 6271 World Herald ready to wear for fixtures Overhead Kans County Seat Come and take a Realtor Belleville 2 EMPLOYED for nice sleeping room JA 5169 555 26th St DAY or night work or baby sitter JA 8013 MEDICAL student and employed wife need 3 or 4 room furnished apartment No children nor pets Call KE 7468 UNDERGRADUATE nurse will care for children under 1 year during day Weekly rates Extra charge for fur nlshlng diapers Mrs Volz JA 6803 DAY care private home packing house vicinity All ages MA 9195 WANTED to rent 2 or 3 bedroom apart ment or home Omaha executive wife and 2 children Willing to pay up to S125 per month Will decorate to suit GL 7801 BOYS AND MEN WANTED Boys over 14 and after school to sell The World Herald CAN ALSO USE MEN Apply MIKE BARTON Newsboy room The Omaha World Herald EMPLOYED couple want nice clean 3 or 4 room unfurnished apartment Prefer north A R794 TWO employed adult furnished or un furnished apartment private bath Ttet rrences HA 4020 CREIGHTON medical student and teacher wife would like nice 3 4 room apart ment for next four vears Willing to oav fair once Call Giuffre GL 1634 STORAGE Locked vaults Local and long distance moving Packing and ship ping BEKINS VAN AND STORAGE CO 16th and Leavenworth Sts AT 2700 Day work AT 9985 Mattle Washington 2768 CAPITOL AVE Lovely large room automatic heat 2 men Near bus RENT a truck move yourself It's cheap er Capitol Drlve It Yoursrlf AT 2200 ROOM for employed gentleman in private Permanent 2591 Pinknev CLASSY brick ideal spot Call GANGESTAD 726 WOW Bldg JA 3244 GORDON STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO agents Allied Van Lines nation wide service Local moving packing crating storage vault fumigation moth etc Prompt service 702 10th St JA 3032 2 APARTMENTS 1 room each light housekeeping 4915 23d St EXPERIENCED colored lady wants day work HA 7899 STAR HOTEL Jackson St erma nent transient rooms LARGE sleeping room and board AT 2880 3 ROOM unfurnished apartment In pri vate home No children No phone call 1705 Castelar St KITCHEN help some grill work Apply after 11 a Il Worth Grill 38th and Leavenworth URNISHED apartment by carpenter and wife Cal! AT 3210 No 115 YOUNG employed couple desire 2 or 3 room furnished apartment Box 2433 World Herald ACTORY representative and bride tn bt desire 1 or 2 bed room apartment pri vate bath Must be tn good location approximately $75 month reference WA 4243 BOOKKEEPING accounting services for small businesses GL 6575 EXPERIENCED colored wants steady day work 65c carfare JA 6514 YCUNG couple desire 2 or 3 room apart ment furnished HA 7940 STAY a day or a wee in a lovely brick apartment Private bath kitchenette and garage $350 to $5 per dav for 2 TOWER TOURIST VILLAGE 78th and Dodge GL 1634 laundry at home: housework half days by week HA 4876 GOSPEL minister and family being evict ed Need home or apartment tn next 20 davs KE 0088 new modem vans courteous experienced ELDERLY man to share 3 room apart ment No woman chaser or drinker need apply 927 24th WE 6497 CAE for sale Downtown location Good ixtures one yeax oia can WOMAN wants day work every day in werk AT 1867 JOHNS MANVILLE approved home in sulation contractor will train 3 crew men Good wages Steady employment year round Paid vacation Apply Simp son Weatherstrip and Insulation Co 4430 20th St COUPLE with week old baby desire fur nished 3 or 4 room apartment or house JA 2389 after 5 NEWLY decorated Gentleman On bus line 2212 California WE 7298 480 EAST Atkinson well improved Of fer AMERICAN MTGE CORP 1715 Dodge AINTED walls washed wallpaper denned screens down storm up win dows washed Insured fully KK 8763 PRIVATE bath Quiet One or 2 em ployed Close in WE 0477 VAN LINES of Watson Bros Trans Co AMERICAN LOAN LAN Offers Mon and Women Single or married Loan from $20 to $1000 Quick confidential service small monthly payments Note car or furniture loans need money for any purpose think of the MAN to be trained for special service work Must drive Call WA 5857 4249 HARNEY St Room for 2 employed Close to car or bus GE 5787 20 NORTH of Elkhorn: priced right A SCHURMAN 4916 Capitol Omaha alert men who want to make earn Ings above average and are willing tn work for them ast selling repeat Item No experience necessary We train ymi Apply 2557 1ea vrnworlh St You are looking for better work and larger Income A Rawleigh business Is available for you if you can qualify A postal card request will bring you full detail without obligation You then study and decide Write Dept NBJ 572 222 rrrpnrt Hl NATIVE Omahans 2 bcdrouin unfurnished apartment or house 2 adult A reference HA 6711 GL 8258 EMPLOYE transferred to Omaha couple child 3 desires house or apt furnished or unfurnished guarantee care of your property KE 0312 CHE employed at present desires change Box 2430 World Herald EXPERIENCED xrocerv stock clerk Young married man reliable JA 6448 QUICK LOANS TO $1006 Signature auto or furniture loans To married or single people Group your get ready cash Have only one place to pay monthly Repay us In a few monthly payments or up to 15 months Immediate friendly service Merchants Investment Co 20th Year Same Location 819 irst National Bank Bldk AT 5066 South west Corner 16th and arnam Sts HATCHERY 52000 capacity with four room apartment located on three lot lust one and one half block from Main street In town of population 1500 Hatchcry and apartment heated by gas Handl? feeds remedies and supplies Started chick in separate building with five batteries four million dol lar hens and one Jamesway Hatchery located in Northeastern Nebraska Box 0 528 World Herald EXPERIENCED care of children in my home AT 7961 BOARD and room for 2 school children Call KE 9863 TWO ROOM apartment for employed couple 559 26th St ADULT couple desire 3 or 4 room un fumtshed apartment KE 9855 sum mod hlrM btgW YOUNG man desiring job witli future Emphasis on sales and office work Give all qualification previous ex perience Real opportunity for a work er Box 4243 World Herald or unfurnished Emploved by financial institution Best cf guaranteed References Call DAY WORK Experienced Colored 65c hour carfare JA 5946 Permanent position Must ijup to tremendous re recent advertising we have of direct leads Phone or ay for appointment WE Harney St Omaha Neb KAUll) 1TLCV JiJUi't INSTITUTE HOTEL fur sale fireproof in excellent year around town of 44000 popula tion Building equipment and furnish ing are all new and are the best The bar and cocktail room will repay entire investment Good reason selling $50000 will handle with able terms on balance Write GUSTASON CO 500 Rand Tower Minneapolis 2 Minn 2 ADULTS need 4 or 5 room heated apartment No children or nets Ex crilent references After 5 KE 0536 WAREHOUSE man Janitor elevator man experienced Kundsen WE 6224 120 ACRES near Ames Ia7 Improved farm mile south of Highway No 30 on gravel road Les than 2 mile to State College campus school bus 4 passe farm Telephone and electricity The taxes are reasonable and so the price considering the quality and lo cation of this term or further in formation call or write NATIONAL ARMS CO Brands Throtrr Bid JA MM NURSE want lurnlahed 1 room and kitchenette: north or wext: good dls trlct GI LOVELY room West arnam shown by appointment AT 5677 WE MOVE Local and long distance moving pack ing crating and storage UNION TRANSER CO 720 Leavenworth St HA 6333 EXPERIENCED SPOTTER or downtown cleaners One who can spot wools and some silks State wages expected and last employer Good work ing conditions and rest periods Box 4288 World Herald BUSINESS INCREASING Demand for Skinner's macaron! far ahead ot industry average so we nre! plant worker who can grow with us Considerate fair management Our folks like It here Hospital and surgi cal plan for worker and dependents Retirement pension Other benefits Top wages in our industry Steady work See Mr Stageman SKINNER MG CO 14th and Jacksnn VETERAN and wife desire apartment rnlshrd or not WE 6475 CAPABLE girl for day work 65c and carfare WE 0064 DOWNTOWN cafe Nets $125 week $2100 Call GANGESTAD JA 3244 drivers SEED and implement business for sale in Southwestern Iowa Requiring ap proximately $12000 for business and building Write Box 0 515 World Herald YOUNG couple 4 month old baby want unfurnished apartment Good relcr rnces GL 4354 SALESMAN Experienced Grocery salesman for well established territory Southwest Iowa Good pay and future with responsible organization Box 6266 World Herald NEED $20 TO $1000 Take advantage of our quick friendly and courteous service You can borrow $20 to $1000 on your note car or furniture You will be surprised how quickly and easily your loan can be completed Loans for any purpose at INANCE SAVINGS 407 (fourth floor! City Natl Bank Bldg Over Orpheum Theater HA 1450 hoOM for two employed girls 317 33D ST 50 OOT level lot on paved street: block to car and Benson west School: $54X1 137 front on paved Maple SL East side of 36th $450 WA 1580 DRIVE IN Excellent food and Ice cream business Will clear $10000 per year Ideal for man and wife Must sell account of health and other business WA 9539 SALESMAN WANTED Men experienced in selling siding roof ing combination windows insulation and weatherstripping have an oppor tunity to make good money here Leads furnished Call between 9 and 10 a American Home Improvement 1002 17th St 17th and Izard JA 4600 SALESMAN with car to travel established territory selling beauty supplies OMAHA BEAUTY SUPPLY 1407 Douglas St District satrs representative for non ferrous rolling mill Give full qualification In reply Box 0 532 World Herald 1 lO OOT meat case complete with coil and compressor Used 60 days Bar gain rozen ood Store 3210 30th St JA 9577 NEAR TEKAMAH NEB 160 acre rolling farm not rough ine near modern house only 10 years old Good other buildings This 1 a very productive farm in a pice location Cheap at $125 per acre Poasessim of buildings now Call ALBERS AT 7919 Omaha 1626 Lothrop LOANS ALL TYPES I LOAN SOCIETY OMAHA 205 Sunderland Bldg Second loor 15th and Harney Sts AT 6800 SAUNDERS CO NEBRASKA 120 acres 4' mile from bard surfaced road ine set of Improvements plenty of fruit land lies rolling net rough nign state or cultivation investment at $125 per acrefnn Mirrh 1 ALBERS 1626 Lothrop Omaha AT 7919 BAR and dining room Downtown loca tion If you know the food business miss this one $15750 plus $2200 inventory Good lease I (HUSTAD BUSINESS SALES CO KE 5727 3179 Paxton Blvd JA 9706 VE'TERAN and wife both employed no children or pets desire 3 room fur nished or unfurnished apartment Phone Mrs Wood JA 6174 8:15 to 5 PURINA MILLS Wants men between the ages of 25 and 45 that want steady work Opportu nity for advancement 24th and Oak Sts Authorized ord Rcbuildcr WANTS Experienced voltage regulator and gen erator man to work in reconditioning department Should be capable of taking full charge of department Ex cellent wages and good working con ditions UNIVERSAL MG CO 1040 21st St Bassett Neb Court THE RED ROBBIN at Public Auction Thursday October 30th 2 m) Grossed $80000 last 3 seasons 6 cabins modern service station cafe modern residence Inspect property at once Mr and Mrs Everett Key Bassett owners will show it Will sell as a going business Ernie Weller Atkinson Neb auctioneer WELL Must have construction experience msn curity card ring 91 tn 4R Do not applv before Wednesday Oct 22 1 year contract Transportation by air plane lurmsnea irom umana nawa Company representative of: Guy Atkinson A CUNnHUVriUH LU Nebraska State Employment 210 18th St OmAhft Neb vour nearest State Emolovment Serv ice Office CHOICE 147 acre farm pear Papillion 146 acres 12 mile west on Pacific 44 acres near Omaha Possession row Choice 40 near Ralston and Omaha 15 acres well located Possession now 160 acres 20 mites west cf Oraaiuu These are all good bu Gross Real Estate 3631 24th St 7 MA 3738 LEARN A TRADE Large furniture plant has openings In woodworking upholstering cutting and other departments No experience re quired Excellent opportunity for ad vancement Periodic wage Increases Plan also approved for I training Come in for personal Interview NATIONAL URNITURE MG CO 1111 13th St 1 block north of Nlch olas Street Bridge Southern California OPPORTUNITY OR RANCH MANAGER AND WIE Owner of a Southern California ranch who travels considerably wants capa ble manager to care for grounds and poultry Wife to assist housekeeper Please state age experience salary ex pected and number In family in first letter Write Box 7331 World Herald WITH car for special work $10 day 5 day week 4 hours per day or ap pointment write Box 8234 World Herald ARNAM St Vacancy for 2 girls good food $10 week JA 2072 BOARD n1 room rouolr or 2 employrtl JA Erl 2 ADULTS Business executive and wife need I cr 2 bedroom unfurnished apartment cr house by Nov 1st Best refererxe Days AT 7942: evenings KE 2589 MODERN 5 room house new stoker au tomatic electric water heater tanre home deep freeze fruit and terries poultry house 17000 jar re 8213 Corby St 16 VACANT ac4 on Believue Blvd near Jewel School Sa 000 term Gus Ruder Realtor AT 8927 83 DESIRE to exchange 3 room private bath furnished apartment in Lincoln for furnished apartment in Omaha near University Hospital Call Moss HA 5350 evenings 6042 51ST ST rooms acre $2750 See for other choice acreages south SPEARMAN CO Office: MA 7463 HA 4838 MA WANT YOUNG MAN for long established insurance department of large real estate office PrWer married man 25 to 30 Must have good car Salary and car allowance Don't answer un less you are seriously renting to write insurance as hfe work a this is a permanent job Prefer man with freviou selling experience Write fully nformation treated confidentially Write Box 7305 World Herald GARAGE with show room appliances auto parts popular make Possible auto agency soon County seat junc tion of two main highways $20000 plus stock One half down Will con sider house in trade Owner retiring Box 1482 Burlington Station Omaha SALESMEN Are you tnaklng $100 a week or more? If not contact Jonaltis at Hotel Rome for appointment Car not essential but very helpful STOCK AND GRAIN ARM 370 acres 15 mile from Omaha Stock yard 220 acres choice level Usd balance hill pasture ine set cf Improvement all modem house caa gravel ALBERS 1626 Lothrop Omaha AT 7919 BEAUTIUL OZARK SMALL ARMS AND RANCHES No acres i mile team acres tillable good truck patches Nw 2 room house 2 springs close to horn Cnw bam $650 $200 down ree bargain list Curtner Real Estate Co Dontnhan Mo VET and wife both employed urgent ly need 3 room unfurnished aoart ment Call after 6 GL 4447 EMPLOYED couple wishes 2 vr 3 room furnished apartment by Nov 1 No children or pets 3208 Marcy St RETAIL Good source $7000 2 BUSINESS girls good references de sire apartment: clean surroundings JA 5506 DAY work wanted Call Tuesday after 7 ja boar Positions Wanted Men LEARNERS and LABORERS or Age 25 Men who want to stay on job and learn trade Starting rate 95c per hour Time and one half over 40 hour Overtime work OMAHA STEEL WORKS 46th and arnam Sts MAN Employment with large personal finance company age 22 to 35 good starting salary good future Must be business type Cal! Mr Pendergast AT 9100 HARDWARE Sporting Goods and Appli ance Store Located in Western Ne braska County seat for about $45000 which Includes franchises and a large slock that also consists of furniture stove and radio Building lease ob tainable Box 0 494 World Herald New arm Listing 320 acres TOP farm 3 mile from tral City equipped for Uvestor mer and winter feeding Splendid em Improvements extra house fry help Most fertile soil under state of cultivation 200 acres under plow balance alfalfa brome and natiw grass 125 acres in wheat Priced ta sell without delay Inspection invited by appointment A LARSON Land Central City Neb 3608 JACKSON St Large front room fur employed ladles HA 5105 HIREE adults child 8 years desire unfurnished house or duplex orced to vacate November 1 WE 0249 ROOM SERVICE BOY Apply tn person to Mr Klnstler after 1pm BLACKSTONE HOTEL WANTED OR OKINAWA ONLY JOURNEYMEN NEED APPLY Apply ir Person Only (No Phone Calls i CARPENTERS CEMENT INISHERS REINORCING IRON WORKERS LINESMEN (HIGH TENSION! HEAVY DUTY MECHANICS CAST IRON PIPELAYERS CONCRETE PIPELAYERS DRILL MACHINE UEKAIOKS lur birth certificate and Social Se vptprans nr worm war ii discharge papers Age limit OUR MEN EARN $600 TO $1000 PER MONTH We have an opening for one man In this class Prefer man with educational ex perience rern nave good car sponse io thousands write Mr 3990 2055 ELECTRONIC COMPANY 1 Omaha Natl Hank Bldg A 1608 ILLING STATION and hamburger inn for sale well established business in fast growing town of 5000 population located on three main highways best in the Wt for the money Rudy Eckel Holdrege Neb LUNCH counter in clean tavern some equipment: no eating place near Great possibilities No rent 2014 St sdlLLlNEKY sale small Slock and In Belleville Price $1 nnn Cole EXPERT ALL CLEANING Reference A 5803 STORMS UP SCREENS DOWN Expe rl need and reliable AT 9347 IRESTONE STORE In Southeastern Nebraska town of 5000 You rarely have an opportunity to buy a irestone store Net $1000 per month Iease to suit you at $100 a month In fine building $6000 plus inventory rieinv on tnis one can Strickler WA 8601 in the evenings or our office JA 1608 during the day WALTER SAVIDGE A Large Land Auction 7 WESTERN NEB WHEAT ARMS Tues Oct 28 1:30 sale in Dal ton which is 25 miles north of Sidney Neb Some of the finest produexnc wheat land in Midwest on the famcua high producing Dalton table all lays level No 1 160 acres 7 miles west of Dal ton 74 acres summer fallowed winter" wheat all farmed No 2 Exception ally well located 1125 acre across road from Sioux Ordnance Center possible industrial or commercial site 26 acres summer fallowed winter wheat No 3 160 acres 1 mile south and 3 west of Dalton 82 acres sum mer fallowed winter wheat all farmed No 4 Very well improved well located 320 acres joins Dalton 200 acres sum mer fallowed winter wheat all farmed except 7 acres in fine shelter belt im provements complete and fine repaid with 2 story modem home No Well improved 320 acres 1 mile north and 2 west of Gurley 150 acres summer fallowed winter wheat com rlete set of improvements with good story home No acres just 3 miles east of Gurley 234 acres summer fallowed winter wheat all farmed No 3'2Q acres joins No 6 90 acres sum mer fallowed winter wheat 96 acres excellent pasture balance farmed or summer lauowea winter purchaser of each farm An outstanding opportunity to of the finest wheat land In County It is all clear and We Make QUIC1 CASH IjOANS You can borrow $50 to $1000 urniture signature autos diamonds equipment co signed Payments and time to suit your Income IMMEDIATE SERVICE UNITED DUE to expanding business Council Bluffs Real Estate irm Is in need of a man between 25 40 years who has had experience in real estate field Could work as salesman or would consider partner Can offer an attrac tive proposition for the right man as a salesman on commission basis nr as Bsrtner nn real estate sales Write ox 8236 World Heiwld EXPERIENCED SHOE REPAIRMAN All around work Good wre steady Job Apply to Joe Clrco Shoe Repair De partment Street floor COMPANION light work for elderly or child Box 2435 World Herald BUNDLE Washington silks curtains Pickup and deliver WE 0718 416 iriAld Rldv Northwest Corner 15th and arnam St LOANS T() $1 000 ON YOUR OWN SIGNATURE Secured loans also made You wlmply PHONE our office to make the ar rangements fur your then we will do the rest and have everything ready for you when you come to our office no waiting no delay CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS STATE INANCE CO 323 Securities Bldg AT 91U0 Co rner 16th and arnam St YOUNG MAN tret er 25 35 to work In Omaha' most progressive jewetrv store Must have good personality and clean cut appearance No experience necessary BRODKEY JEWELRY CO Dotlgla at 15th bakery Near Randall Dam site equipment some new Only of bakery product in town Box 195 airfax ADAMS COUNTY IOWA 372 acres improved 3 east nt Corning Well located rolling tana priced to sell at $125 per acre oe further information call cr write SECURITIES CO REALTORS 202 19TH ST GENERAL MOTORS executive is in im mediate need of good three bedroom humr Phone Goddard AT 52C6 9 to 5 Mmutav through riday TRANSERRED to Omaha Couple chilli 6 desire house or apartment llnuse available In Des Moines if desired A 7319 CONECTIONARY Living rooms $1400 GANGESTAD 726 WOW Bldg JA 3244 CIVIL engineer graduate 6 ex lertence seeks work with contractor tr elsewhere In building Industry Box 519 World Herald 001 ACRES livestock unit Plymouth County Iowa 16 miles to Sioux City market on all weather road Nicely im proved with an attractive modern 7 room house: large barns and ample buildings 701 acre good native pas ture 300 acres com and grain Elec tricity and marvelous water system Offered at $62 50 per acre by owner Plckus 709 Badge row Bldg Sioux Cltv Ta HELP! We are desperate urgently need 2 or 3 bedroom unfurnished house or duplex Must be out of present hom bv Oc tober 31 Will furnish A reference and guarantee excellent care cf your property WA 2750 THE PEOPLE of Omaha have been' moat kind in helping Creighton University find places for its veterans to live However we stlU need a few apart ments for married veterans and their families Please call Mr Marrin JA 7400 or WA 7746 MAN 20 to 30 to work in stock room and do repair work on gasoline meters and other equipment for service stations and bulk oil plants Must have me chanical ability and be willing to work Excellent working conditions Steady employment Experience very desirable A good position for man with previous experience In the oil business Apply Thursday 3:30 to 5 October 23d See Mr Moore A McDonald Mfg Co 1201 Dodge umana Neo rnone at xuro ACCIDENT HEALTH HOSPITALIZATION DO IT NOW Plenty of leads furnished no canvassing Can make ever $150 per week: educa tional real estate books or specialty experience helpful but not necessary Must have car Advance commission Apnly Mr Smith I3ki Bld GROCERY with 3 room apartment Vol ume $3500 per month Price $4250 plus stock Very low overhead BUSINESS AGENCY 727 Bldg WE 6778 46 SELL OR MICKLIN We are In need of 3 men to join our sales organization Experience in direct selling helpful but not necessary as we will tratn you Car not necessary We are largest and oldest Home Improvement Company See Mr Guss or Mr Brookstein MICKLIN HOME IMPROVEMENT CO 1702 Cuming St 77 WILL SIGN LEASE Middle aged couple Teterin mcrlM from Clinton la to Omaha Need 5 lu ii tvHu spattmeni ur nouse isiirii large care Herion days JA 2938 nights AT 8326 Room 731 HUSKY BOY To work nights In World Herald press ronm Apply daytime at World Herald Information desk VETERAN drslics corpoiatr position re quiring legal background Box 24u3 Wuild Hei aid DEPENDABLE clean sober elderly pri vate home small wages for work AT 6721 Wanted at once Single man 21 45 pre ferred Recreational experience valu able Also youth guidance work or experience in youth activities helpful Splendid opportunity for qualified teacher Give all particulars In first letter BOX 0 546 WORLD HERALD LOANS for worthy needs Consult personal loan department about financial needs DOUGLAS COUNTY BANK 61st and Military Ave WA PVRQnMAT Inans tn llnoo PERSONAL INANCE COMPANY 222 Securities Bldg 16th and arnam AT 8523 4117 24TH ST Choice 2 rooms 1 or 2 employed utilities $35 SALESMAN with rar Interested In try Territory open In Western and Nebraska distributing Nox try Pharmaceuticals Have 20 exnerlenct in our field Will Drawing account Write for appoint ment our Regional Manager will call on you Northern States Serv Ice Co Box 95 Iuveme Minn QUIET employed mother and daughter want an apartment Box 2436 World Herald WANTED: 5 or 6 room house or apart ment Adults only After 5 AT 0566 BUSINESS EXECUTIVE WANTS to rent 5 or 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE WA 4936 YOUNG employed couple desperate for 2 or 3 room furnished apartment Call AT 2228 9 to 5 YOUNG COUPLE need unfurnished or furnished apartment Mrs Rae JA 6794 after 5:30 ARTS manager local manufacturXxx company desires unfurnished 4 to 6 room house or apartment in desira ble neighborhood Guarantee care ex cellent references 5 adults Raymend Cook AT 9742 AT 7445 DAY WORK WANTED WE 4753 DAY WORK WE 6932 PIANIST vocalist Experienced Non unlon AT 6581 5 to 9 COLORED man wants work as janitor or truck driver WE 1922 3 4 vou first AMERICAN LOAN PLAN Second floor City National Bank Bldg corner of tfilh and Harney Sts riwne JA 7766 A Aldous Manager i I i I i SIGNATURE LOANS $25 TO $1000 To employed men and women single or married on signature only or on such simple security as furniture or car CONVENIENT MONTHLY REPAYMENT PLAN PHONE WRITE OR COME IN IRST LOAN CO WE 1317 PUBLIC AUCTION October 28 at 7 Thornburg farm 160 acres black sot! 6 room house 3 miles west of LeRoy Minn ARM Profit by COT complete farm service JOHN CLAASSEN CO 602 Electric Bldg: HOTELS with liquor bar and restaurant long established JULIUS NEWMAN 3509 Pine St HA 6039 HARDWARE STORE Western Iowa $25 000 Write Box 0 523 World Herald POPULARITY THE CHECKER CAB Is Responsible for a Marked Growth in Our Business And cans for Additional QUALIIED OPERATORS successful applicant must be furnish Best Character References rOXfR TNI TDDAV And Learn How You Can Enjoy SUBSTANTIAL INCOME With Omaha's Most Aggressive Taxicab Organization SEE MR LEWIS 1 CHECKER CAB INC 2121 St Ave THREE employed adults desperately need furnished apartment GL 3710 EMPLOYED couple desire apartment furnished or not GL 3753 VETERAN and expectant wife must moveDesire unfurnished house or apartment Best reference HA 2915 VETERAN wife expecting desperately need place to live excellent refer ences JA 6935 after 5:30 QUICK confidential business sales No listing or advertising fee MIKE STDERS CO JA 5453 HA 6684 TO GET IN or out of BUSINESS call GANGESTAD 726 A VERY GOOD CAE In Omaha nearly new equipment Owner must sell on account ot illness BUSINESS EXCHANGE 416 Arthur Bldg Omaha JA ballroom largest and most popular in county Top orches tras booked $12000 Gail Vanman Missouri Valley la Phone 687 AVAILABLE AT ONCE Store building 117x39 at 2549 arnam ull basement Call Miss ValL WE 3990 406 16TH ST About 1200 scuarq feet $100 724 Omaha Nat3 Bank Bldg DOUGLAS BLOCK 16th and DodreStsl 1 or more offices $20 each AT 12QO QUIET middle aged couple need house or apartment Best reference GL 4228 COUPLE and 10 year old daughter need house apartment or duplex KE 4224 AMILY of 4 adults needs house duplex or apartment by November 15 KE 3160 CHOICE Loveland acre between 2 beau tiful homes 1509 5 Ridgwood JA 3519 OSCAR MANGER WA 0738 PKIVATE entrance walking distance em ploycd gentleman WE 4399 ROOM for 1 or 2 employed gentlemen Breakfast optional A 6835 idelity Storage Van STORAGE local and Ion distance mov In packing and ahlpplng ool cart Office 1107 Howard St JA 03IS UNITED MOVING CO JA 1504 Local moving van 2 men S3 per hour Long distance moving New low rate Aero Mayflower Transit Co Nationwide moving service JA 0288 VETERAN in business nerds apartment In Benson area for wife and baby Call WA 7662 YOUNG couple both want2 or 3 room apartment Call Vince cmi I er A 9659 YoUNfbusitirss' man nrrs' nMm "with private bath: prefer Dundee Mr Sar kln JA 4406 NOTE LOANS NEED MONEY IN A HURRY? SEE POSTAL INANCE CO ON THE CASH Whether you need $20 $50 $100 $500 or more NO RED TAPE riends and relatives need never know Call on the phone and we will have everything ready when you come in PHONE US NOW A 2936 POSTAL INANCE COMPANY 401 15TH ST CORNER 15TH AND HARNEY HC Means HntlSlTOTn INANCE CORP Where vou can borrow $1000 $750 $500 and $300 or less on salary car or furnituie without endorsers If you need money for any worthwhile pur pose phone one of our convenient of fices today Your loan can usually be completed the same day HOUSEHOLD INANCE New South Omaha Branch 480514 24th St Second floor Phone MA 8080 Downtown Omaha Corner 15th and arnam Sts AT 2462 Barker Bldg Third loor Council Bluffs Branch 7 Main St Phone 2593 1218 HOWAlRD Clean hotel rooms for 1 or 2 by day or week $525 week up LIVE lomar Hotel maid ele vator service 17th and Capitol Ave Corner A3d nd Cask Sti cn hrlrk nuvinr Wafer CLAY THOMAS CO WA 6264 JA LARGE LOT Perfect ranch house flat ting 2 block Loveland school Owner leaving city Make offer HA 5699 SALESMAN 25 to 40 neat aggressive pleasing personality for permanent local posi tion ull training Excellent earn ings salary commission bonus Car required Tegtmeler Electric Co 4107 Dodge St WE 3830 EXPERIENCE salesmen with car Sell washing powders Omaha and Lincoln territories Hotel restaurants tavern hospital three jobbers Call us for complete information Wescott Water Softner Co Box 605 Lincoln Neb Phone 3 7244 THREE men single 21 25 transporta tion furnished training on job magazine or house to house work Pos sible to earn $120 ner week See Mr Hicks Room 805 Hotel Hill Monday Tuesday 6:30 to 8:30 I OPPORTUNITY Good earnings opening in our cutting and shipping departments On the job program Apply KA LAN PANTS MG CO 101 10th St 3d loor STREET RAILWAY CO will now accept applications for men 24 to 36 who can qualify a streetcar and bus operators Apply Personnel Dept 6J0 Service Life Bldg 19th and ar nam Sts ASSISTANT sales manager transferred to Omaha desire 6 or 7 room house Call MA 5400 Ext 99 between and 4:30 WANTED furnished apartment veteran and wife both employed: wife at no children JA 1124 after 6 URNISHED or unfurnished house or apartment 3 5 rooms Prefer west AT 9204 or Room 107 Logan Hotel LICENSED IREMAN or latiron Hotel Must be sober re liable man References Good salary and apartment See Mr Weiner Hotel Lee 14th and Howard BOY wanted ine opportunity for boy 16 or over to learn optical trade ull time and permanent work Apply Barnett Ac Rame! Optical Co Wool worth Bldg 4th loor 16th and DouglasSts 2 GIRLS living room and bedroom: breakfast home privileges KE 2751 after 5 ROOMS to rent Daily or weekly rates 2014 arnam St AT 2755 CLEAN rooms for young men Working or students 3015 Cass St 1617 CORBY Large room hot water or couple AT 9209 MINNE LUSA 5 room bungalow very conveniently located block off 30th St Completely furnished Oil heat Automatic gas water heater Garage $85 Give particulars Box 4299 World Herald 3 BEDROOM home auotmatlc heat Exchange rent for care of 2 boy 1 child nkav Must have own fuml jure KK 6 R6)OMS well furnished Nov 1 to June 1 $100 per month No children or pets WA 9772 STORAGE SEPARATE COMPARTMENTS Nationwide moving service Matched loads wanted between Minneapolis New Orleans St Louts Chicago Little Rock ort Worth Washington Cin cinnati Tulsa Omaha and Wichita Nov 5 Local moving packing shipping KNOWLES STORAGE MOVING CO 911 Davenport St JA 1700 WATSON BROS ui vision Local and long distance moving packing crating careful take chances Call WE 5838 63 DUNDEE 106 49th St bus and car weekly rates WA 0500 DOUGLAS CO NEBRASKA 740 acres Imnrovedt on psvrfnenf gentle rolling rioa tn to Oman st ALHERd 167 lothrop Omaha AT Tt aJHTKaGU for iacres fenced 3 room house electric light larn good henhouse several other buildings Price $5000 Potsessica Immediately 4 miles south east of Norfolk Neb Leitzke owner 240 ACRES Saunders County Improved 225 acres Kossuth County Iowa Im proved Bentley Bentlev 617 Omaha Bank Bldg AT 7697 LOOD control work under constructlow will make Missouri River land valuable or information Mark and Pace Woods 1308 Sharp Bldg Lincoln Neb MOTHER and employed daughter des pcrately need apartment KE 0103 YOUNG emoloved rouole desire apart ment furnished GL 7474 MA 7193 YOUNG employed couple want 2 or 3 room furnished apartment GL 3526 YOUNG COUPLE and 2 babies desperate need a place to live GL 2172 2 EMPLOYED desire furnished apart ment Call AT 2110 after 5 $150 WEEKLY OR YOU If you can take over completely equipped body shop on percentage basis Apply IN join 1 DEEP REEZE Manufacturing $4200 GANGESTAD 726 WOW Bldg JA 3244 3 CHAIR barber shop 2407 Leave wor or appointment 1020 25th Ave Barber Shop HA 2681 Imme diate possession With $15000 to $20000 for guest ranch in Estes Park Colo area Good location In operation Box 0 500 World Herald buy orr9 Cheyenne Will iwt lively sell to the highest bidder with out reserve Write auctioneers for Il lustrated sale bill Possession of caeB farm March 1 1948 Carey Bros owner Dalton Neb ORKE BROS ICKE The Auctioneer Lincoln NK 31 Sharpe Bldg Phene 2 14SX Iowa arms for Sale HARRISON COUNTY 312 rre imnrnyed On rrsrel miles outhrmt from Miourt Valley 280 acre tillable Balance pasture Ample buildings including 2 story 9 room house Electricity in mam buildings POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY 120 acres improved mile north west from Griswold Entire farm till able 6 room house barn double cora crib hog house and chicken house POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY 200 acres improved on paved highway 3 miles east from Avoca 140 arms tillable balance pasture 6 rnmn house large barn cattle shed corn crib silo granary and chicken house Building have electricity MILLS COUNTY 240 acres improved mUe wt from Henderson 210 acre tillable 3u acres pasture 8 roum house garage 2 barns corn eilb hog house n4 chicken house WRITE RTEDE ARM IELD SUPERVISOR 112 Ottumwa street Ottumwa ta BAKERY and building with 6 ruom apart ment upstairs Doing nice retail and wholesale bushiest in an Iowa town of 11000 population Well equipped Same new Box 0 536 World Herald BARBER SHOP for sale or lease Three chair living quarters Northeast Ne braska town of 1200 Write Box 0 540 World Herald CAK for sale One of the best located cafes In Sidney Draws large share of railroad trade: hotel lobby entrance outside entrance 6 booths 14 stools 4 tables Priced very reasonably Write Box 848 or call 320 Sidney Neb for further Informal inn CAE AND BEER or sale or lease Equipment new and complete Prosperous farming community on Highway 36 lour hours from Denver Write Box No 246 McDonald Kan CHICKEN AND STEAK HOUSE Let us show you a real money maker priced at only $5500 Midwest Business Brokers 509 Karbach Bldg JA 2009 EMPLOYERS ATTENTION or part time help In your bookkeeping accounting or cost accounting depart ment call the ACADEMY ACCOUNTANCY 1322 nrnam St AT 6632 MARRIED man 2 year experience as accountant and credit manager with wholesale and retail appliances 3 years college Only reputable organization with sound proposition with future con sidered Excellent references Box 2407 World Herald WILLING TO WORK Veteran attending school need part time work after 2:30 weekdays ail day Saturday and Sundays Any type work considered Call Rush Barns WK 3990 ACCOUNTANT experienced In office management and credit able to make tax returns and financial statements desire responsible position Col lege graduate Box 2434 World Herald CAE well located Doing very good bus Iness Wonderful buv HA 3332 DRESS SHOP STOCK OR SALE for Invoice price Mrs Garland Brown Lewellen Neb DRESSMAKING and alterations Harriet Llllv WA 0994 PLAIN sewing of all kinds dresses and hems HA 5849 7 ROOM house west adult only no pets $75 month Call 3 to 5 AT 3502 Wanted to Rent EMPLOYED couple wants 3 rooms drink or smoke AT 9049 2 EMPLOYED sisters desire apartment After 5 HA 4080 Irene RAILROAD employe needs 2 bedroom house or unfurnished apartment 2 small children KE 8247 WANT 5 7 room modern house full cement basement Reference 28 years Postofflc? clerk AT 8816 KRAT employe needs 2 bedroom house or Apartment furnished or unfur nished Bellevue 385LW URNISHED rooms for emoloved women 2504 Emmet St DOUBLE room men preferred AT 9762 920 36th St NICE warm quiet room in private home WE 4614 ILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW With a PROMISE TO PAY LOAN rom MUTUAL LOAN CO Barker Bldg JA 6528 CASH LOANS $10 to $1000 Signature furniture auto COMMERCE LOAN CO 1901 arnam St AT 2300 DO YOU NEED $25 TO $1000? LIBERTY INANCE CO 2401'4 St over Tobin Drug Store Phone MA 1011 Ask tor Holmberg ROOM mother and daughter or 2 older employed ladles Basement room to gentleman for yard work HA 5105 3608 Jackson St SLEEPING room for 2 employed girls on bu line Meal optional WE 0862 COUPLE desire 2 or 3 room apartment No children WA 2389 11OUSE or 4 room apartment 4 adults Good reference KE 3397 2 EMPLOYED ladle desire 2 or 3 room anartment GL 7908 VACANCY for refined girl to share nice room and good board in private home GL 2329 EARL'S first Home first floor vacancy KE 2962 2406 owler Ave BELL TELEPHONE employe with super vlsory rcsponilbiHUe desire 2 or 3 bedroom house unfurnished Cail Mr Pettlnger at AT 6000 Ext 714 day VETERAN (dental student) wife baby 1 year urgently need 3 or 4 room un furnlshed apartment or house JA 7045 WANTED Roommate for 2 business elrls 137 32d Ave 2522 JONES St room and board lor 3 gentlemen HOUSEKEEPING In motherless hope 108 17th Council Bluffs la COLORED lady wants maid or day work 65c per hour AT 1885 Representative Wanted Well known national organization ha opening for high grade salesman to take over exclusive Nebraska terri tory earnings up to $8000 Applicant must have good automobile free to travel selling experience preferably on over 30 or interview phone Liddle Hotel ontenelle ROUTE SALESMAN Opening for man 21 to 35 for route work Salary guarantee Profiting plan available Call AT 5831 for interview PAINTER JA 4587 RUMPER AND SPLITTER or horse slaughtering plant guaran tee and bonus CENTRAL NEBRASKA PACKING CO North Platte Neb SHIPPING CLERK Have opening for experienced shipping clerk Permanent job Good pay See Mr Alexander WEBBER MOTORS arnam at 26th St STOCK YARD MEN Opportunity for regular employment In old established industry working 44 hour week Time and over 40 hour Openings on day and night shifts UNION STOCK YARDS CO OMAHA LTD Apply Room 917 Live Stock Exchange Bldg South Omaha SHIPPING CLERK Middle aged man preferred Steady em ployment BEAU BRUMMEL CO Third loor Gateway Bldg 9th and Douglas Sts Silk Spotter Experienced Steady position highest salary in Omaha MI CLEANERS 40th and arnam St SHOE SALESMAN ull time with experience in ladies' shoes Apply to Mis Yates personnel director 2 to 5 only NEBRASKA CLOTHING CO SECOND cook needed at once hotel Call or wire collect Mark Walsh Paddock Hotel Beatrice Neb SALESMAN Age 23 to 35 to work on our retail floor Must be honest and reliable Good wages oaid vacation other em ploye oeneftts Steady position with a future for the right man Apply WESTERN AUTO STORES 2020 arnam St SHEET metal man experienced Box 1218 World Herald SERVICE SALESMAN General Motors dealership Weekly sal ary plus commission Permanent posi tion opportunity for advancement Must be experienced tn auto service and service sales State qualifications tn first letter Box 2296 World Herald STOCK CLERK for wholesale tobacco department Vending Sale Co 1205 Dougla St TRUCK REPAIR SHOP OREMAN WANTED Large concern ha opening for 4 work ing foreman of truek repair hon Ap proximately ot hl time will be spent supervising earage personnel and 80 working on truck Must be a lournevman mechanic with supervisory experience and be thoroughly familiar with gasoline onerated tractors Pre fer age 25 40 Renlv fullv In confl dence Write Box 0 543 World Herald TROUBLE shooters motor repair man experienced must have car ANDERSON ELECTRIC 2920 DODGE TYPESETTER MAN qualified In hand setting orm lockup Good pay Steady work THE COOKE CO i 1111 arnam St Tailor Gnod wages 1515 Capital Ari TRUCK driver for city tcdy work time and one half over 40 hour Omaha Compound 21t and Nlchnla St UTILITY MAN for hoapltal kitchen 8 to 4:30: 6 day Apply In person only CLARKSON HOSPITAL WAITER White nice working condition Legion nalre Club 1818 arnam St WAREHOUSEMEN Now working 44 48 hour weekly with time and a halt over 40 hour Good working condition irst aid facilities Rec ss period Paid vacations Group hospitalization Insurance Applv In person OMAHA COLD STORAGE CO 9th and arnam St WAREHOUSE MAN Man for glass department Steady em ployment good saiaty Apply to Mr Nordstrom COOK PAINT A VARNISH CO 15th and Davenport Sts Weatherstrip Installer Must be experienced steady year around work good pay See Mr Mavis MICKLIN HOME IMPROVEMENT CO 1702 Cuming St Wool Presser and Spotter Experienced only steady work THE PANTORIUM 1513 Jones St Wool Spotter or Presser Experienced Anolv at once DUTCH CLEANERS 24th and DOUGLAS WAREHOUSE MEN 3 white men for steady work OMAHA CROCKERY 1116 18 Harney St WOOL PRESSER A presaer $125 hour steady work Box 6260 World Herald WAREHOUSE MAN 5 day week overtime over 40 hour CASE CO 9th and Dodge Sts WINDOW CLEANERS Wall washers 211 19th St WINDOW Experienced lush est wages National Windown Cleanea 1513 Capitol Ave YARD MEN 2 shift available straight 8 hour day 6 day week Meal Included Apply to Clief CASTLE HOTEL AT 8750 WANTED Used car salesman Experienced 1o sell ing and merchandising used cars Permanent employment One of Oma largest new car Give complete history of previous em ployment Box 2298 World Herald irst class lineman Must know JtEA construction at least 3 vears' experience Permanent position for right man Howard Greeley Rural Public Power District St Paul Neb OPENLNG OR ONE MAN Ambitious good character unlllmted earnings Christmas rush Apply uller Brush Co 629 Barker Bldg AT 4947 YOUNG MEN to operate light wood working machines in furniture shop Also man Interested in spraying and finishing Good opportunity I training available JA 2445 ARE YOU MISSING AN OPPORTUNITY BECAUSE YOU DO NOT HAVE TRAINING? See the Academy of Ac countancy ad under the instruction column in this paper Legionnaire Club MACHINE DISHWASHER PORTER 7818 ARNAM ST HAVE opening for 3 neat appearing men IB to 35 years to assist order manager Good earning it you qualify 374 Saunders Kennedy Bldg John son HUSKY MEN or City garbage collection Earn $45 to $60 per week Must be truck drivers Omaha eeding Cn 4th and Pierre St MAN wanted for night shift one for packing KUENNE BAKERY 2918 Leavenworth St AT 2480 CI I WANTED to learn body work and painting under I training program EMPIRE MOTORS 1102 18th St WE 6891 YOUNG MAN for watch repair denart ment No experience necessary Annlv tn person io Mr Kornfcld Zale Jewelry YcjUNG service garage duties Must have driver' license See Mr Harrig LIED BUICK Harnev at 27th Ave Man with car Give Stanley demonstration $75 week 30 work Write 1529 City Nat Bank Bldg Omaha Neb AT 2845 ONE experienced sweet mixer Two ex perienced roller men Apply per ron Merchant Biscuit Co 30th and Taylor Sts MAN to install passenger car and truck springs Time and one half over 40 hour 2209 Harney St See Mr Bennett MARRIED couple cook and houseman Year around job WA 6595 Box 6247 World Herald WANTED Experienced help er See Mr Bowman McSHANE CO 1113 Howard St MEN with teams to husk corn 3 miles north of Benson Inquire David Menagh 1209 arnam St JA 3175 MAN tor delivery work and general store work Good salary good hours Gojld Drug 50th and Dodge Sts BOARD and room to pension man Must be handy houseman Apply 8 to 9:30 a only 2608 Harney EXPERIENCED theater manager Ex perience will determine salary Apply In person 4932 24th St MAN 18 to 25 to learn wear and shoes good salary to start 408 12 16th St WANTED Married couple to pick corn averaging 50 bu Have elevator Ru dolph rahm Blair Neb LIMITED number foundry helpers Best wages Paxtop Mitchell Co 27th and Martha St EXPERIENCED houseman la nl tor wanted lomar Hotel 17lh and Capi tnj Ave All around man in farm equipment store Holtz Shelby low MAN OR SHIPPING ROOM Motor Parts Co 20th and Harney Sts GOOD all around truck service man Union Tiansfer Co 720 Leavenworth St YOUNG MAN for driving light delivery Motor Parts Company 20th Harnev St MEN for factory work Omaha Baker Supply Co 1317 Leavenworth St EXPERIENCED bartender part time for evening work 2401 arnam St.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.